A globalização e a tradução de textos especializados
: um caso prático de tradução de um texto económico-financeiro

  • Ana Filipa Trindade Duarte (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


We have witnessed many changes in the economic discourse within the past few years, as it is becoming less transparent due to a number of reasons which include - among others - the greater complexity in the economic-financial system and the labyrinthic dimension of the government, especially in the context of globalisation. Despite the attempts by the economic and financial policymakers and international standard-setters, namely the IMF, to make communication more transparent, the global economic crisis which emerged in 2008 has increased even further the opacity of the fiscal discourse in view of the pressure by government finance, thus increasing the risks inherent to financial reporting. There is however an aggravating circumstance regarding the spread of information by those entities to the players in the world economy: it is most of the times scarce or not transmitted in the mother tongue of those same players, which could then lead to a bad interpretation or a weak understanding of that information. This project focuses on the translation of economic-financial texts particularly the challenges and difficulties in translating this type of text in the context of globalisation. It also intends to reflect on the particularities of the economic-financial texts which belong in the category of specialised texts, namely the type of language, specific terminology, target audience and the way this type of translation may contribute to a greater understanding by the various players in global economy. A report entitled "Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Risk" was translated in order to explain the main difficulties and challenges in the translation of this type of text, arguing the importance and benefits of translating economic texts in a globalised world.
Date of Award6 Mar 2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAna Margarida Marcelino Abrantes (Supervisor)


  • Specialised translation
  • Technical translation
  • Translation of economic texts
  • Globalisation and translation
  • World economy
  • Fiscal transparency
  • IMF
  • Economic crisis


  • Mestrado em Tradução

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