A identificação cinematográfica
: comparação entre cinema live-action e cinema de animação

  • Catarina de Bessa Martins e Castel-Branco (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Integrated within the scope of the specialization in Computer Animation for the Master's in Sound and Image, this dissertation aims to explore the process of cinematic identification, focusing on the differences triggered in this process by live-action and animated cinema. To achieve this, and based on works on film theory and psychoanalysis, the research begins with an analysis of the identification process in everyday life and traditional psychology, subsequently addressing the specificities that affect this process in the cinematic context. The visual differences in the conception of the cinematic world within live-action and animated cinema are examined, proposing hypotheses based on the literature on how these visual discrepancies interfere with the identification process. To test the preliminary conclusions derived from the literature review, two research methods were developed to verify the hypotheses formulated. Firstly, an online questionnaire was created as an initial research method. Subsequently, two cinema sessions were conducted, accompanied by the completion of in-person questionnaires as a second research method. These procedures enabled the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, establishing a parallel between the two research methods. The discussion focuses again on the particularities of live-action and animated cinema and their influences on the process of secondary cinematic identification, specifically concerning the type of participation developed by the viewer. Through the cross-analysis of theoretical and empirical data, a discrepancy was observed in the receptive participation of viewers, depending on the cinematographic visual style. It is possible that the origin of these discrepancies lies in the degree of realism or abstraction present in the character design.
Date of Award11 Nov 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPedro Alves (Supervisor)


  • Cinema
  • Animation
  • Live-action
  • Identification
  • Realism
  • Abstraction
  • Spectatorship


  • Mestrado em Som e Imagem

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