A Igreja Católica de Cabo Verde no contexto da transição política de 1989 a 1991

  • Nelson Amarildo da Silva Varela (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Entitled «The Catholic Church in Cabo Verde in the context of the Political Transition from 1989 to 1991», this dissertation aims to analyse the contributions and role of the Catholic Church in Cabo Verde in the Political Transition process of 1991. This dissertation is the result of an investigation developed based on documentation from the Archive of the Diocese of Santiago and contemporary periodical press. In order to contextualise the object of study, we begin with a historical overview of the country and the history of the Church in Cabo Verde from the beginning of its settlement to the period under analysis. This framework is summarised and also covers important periods and events in history. Other framework is also provided on the subject of political transition and in this context the Church's indications and guidelines and the role of the written press in this process are presented and analysed. The external context of the period under analysis and its contribution to the transition process in Cabo Verde are analysed below. The international political context was pushing for an unprecedented wave of democratisation, and on the part of the Catholic Church both the documents of the magisterium from the Second Vatican Council onwards, as well as the pronouncements of the Roman Pontiffs, gave the idea of regime change/political ideology, calling for freedom and a more humane politics. The Church has always clearly demonstrated its position in accordance with its teachings, and in Cabo Verde this position was evident in the analysis of the episcopal ministry of Dom Paulino Livramento Évora, Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde during the transition period and in the speeches and homilies of the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, during his visit to Cabo Verde. Finally, an assessment was made of the Church's contribution to the transition process, in order to understand the impact of this contribution on the instruction and formation of the conscience of the faithful and also in this part a brief analysis was made of the history of Cabo Verde emigration and its contribution to the transition process. Within this period, we analysed the history of the creation of the Diocese of Mindelo, whose beginnings date back to the start of the transition.
Date of Award20 Nov 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRita Mendonça Leite (Supervisor)


  • Cabo Verde
  • Religious history
  • Catholic church
  • Religion and politics
  • Democratic transition


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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