A (in)eficácia da comunicação no contexto dos novos mega-agrupamentos

  • João Augusto Rodrigues Faria (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The investigative work we developed had as its main goal the analysis of the internal communication in the new mega groupings, in context with their recent formation and ensuing consolidation process. The school network planning process has in the decree-law nº 115-A/98 its main booster, triggering the creation of School Groupings. It was seen through in April 2013 with the fourth and last stage of aggregations. Large dimension groupings, named mega groupings, are created, forming a new organizational reality. This fact, associated with personal and professional motivations, sustained the work we conducted. It was intended to study the effectiveness of the internal communication instruments in the consolidation of the aggregation process of a new community which, by nature, is physically disperse, a problematic considered current and pertinent. Our study was centered in the Agrupamento de Escolas do Almonda. We studied several aspects of the internal communication implemented in an educational organization where teachers with various social realities, skills, values and cultures cohabit. We assessed the communicative practices, and the functioning of the internal communication process on its diverse methods. We analyzed in which measure the leaderships, top and intermediate, organize their communication processes. As research methodology, we opted by “case study”. The data gathering techniques adopted were direct observation and survey. In terms of results, the conclusions we have withdrawn have lead us to the centrality and bureaucratization of internal communication processes, namely in the functioning regulation and construction of the collective identity of the new mega grouping, developing communication strategies which seek to promote their organizational effectiveness. We identified the fact that the communication systems perform an ever increasing role in the educational organizations, which have the need to adopt an effective communication policy, developing new strategies which allow them to create a positive and coherent image.
Date of Award29 Jun 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Matias Alves (Supervisor)


  • Communication
  • Mega grouping
  • Educational organization
  • Bureaucracy


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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