A influência da visita alargada no outcome do doente crítico
: cuidado especializado de enfermagem

Translated title of the thesis: The influence of extended visitation in critical care patients: nursing specialized care
  • Paulo António Ávila do Couto Rocha (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Within the “Medical-Surgical Nursing Master’s Degree: in Critical Patient Nursing area” from the Health Sciences Institute of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, this report aims to report the skills developed and acquired in the internship fields related to the Curricular Unit – Final Internship and Report. The Medical-Surgical Specialist Nurse must have the scientific, ethical, relational and technical skills to be able to offer humanized and holistic care focused on his patients and their families. To reflect on this type of care appears the subject of “The influence of the extended patient visit in the outcome of the critical patient: specialized nursing care.” This report was drawn on a descriptive methodology and critical-reflective base in order to describe my personal and professional growth process in developing skills as a Medical-Surgical Nursing Specialist Nurse. This report presents two distinct moments, the first one is a Scoping Review named “The influence of the extended patient visit or accompaniment on the outcome of the Intensive Care Unit patient”. Its objective is to map the evidence available on the prognosis influence of the critical patient in an Intensive Care Unit. This subject appears in a time when we saw a backspace in welcoming the presence of families in Intensive Care Units as I witnessed in my daily job as an Intensive Care Unit nurse myself. In the second moment is presented the development route and competence acquisition of the Specialist Nurse in Medical-Surgical during the internship in the Emergency Room of a Lisbon University Hospital. Here, I had the opportunity to identify and reflect the way to welcome families of critical patients. It was very rewarding to raise awareness and sensitize the nursing team to the very important topic that makes a nurse the enabler of a more human and close care. I left with the feeling of duty accomplished, as I know nursing will, once again, show its essence in caring, proving it is the base of the health system. In the Emergency Room of an Azorean Hospital, I completed my second internship and had the opportunity to strengthen the approach to the critical emergency patient. I went back to the premise I set myself to achieve of raising nurses’ awareness to the inclusion of families on the critical patient care. Being a nurse is having the constant worry with excellency in the care we provide, is being a keystone on our daily practice and having a multidimensional approach to our patients and their families, always researching the most recent scientific evidence. Self-reflection has allowed me acquisition of new knowledge focused on improving quality and problem solving with the purpose of offering specialized advanced nursing care based on excellency.
Date of Award29 Mar 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorIsabel Rabiais (Supervisor)


  • Nurse
  • Specialist
  • Critical patient
  • Family
  • Patient visit
  • Humanized care


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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