A influência parental na satisfação da imagem corporal
: estudo da perceção dos adolescentes

  • Juliana Barbosa da Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


With the general objective of studying the relationship between the satisfaction of body image and the perception of adolescents about the influence of the communication perception and relationship with parents, a sample of 238 subjects, 137 females and 100 males were studied, with a mean age of 15 years (SD = .73). The results show an influence the perception of open communication (father and mother), the negative communication standard (father), the willingness to communicate (father and mother), the affective connection, as well as the sharing of trust in communication (father) the satisfaction of body image in adolescents. Furthermore, the results show differences in satisfaction with body image in gender role, type of family structure, education and age of the parents. The results are partially in accordance with the literature, it has been discussed based on the theoretical framework, and completed taking into account their implications for prevention and intervention in this problem.
Date of Award1 Feb 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorÂngela Azevedo (Supervisor)


  • Satisfaction of body image
  • Teens
  • Perception of parental influence
  • Parental communication
  • Parental relationship


  • Mestrado em Psicologia da Educação

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