A intervenção do enfermeiro especialista na prevenção de acidentes na primeira infância

Translated title of the thesis: The nurse specialist's intervention in early childhood accident prevention
  • Margarida Tavares Costa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report was written within the curricular unit “Estágio Final e Relatório” of the Master’s Degree Course in Nursing with Specialization in Child and Pediatric Health at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and aims to reflect the path of skills development to obtain the Master’s and Specialist’s Degree in Child and Pediatric Health.The chosen theme to be worked on and deepened along this learning path was childhood accidents, as they continue to be one of the leading causes of death among children and young adults, representing a public health issue with dramatic consequences upon the child’s health and well being, as well as the family’s and the community. Although it is clear that the incidence of childhood accidents has decreased, due in large to the implementation of various programs, legislations and good health practices towards child safety, it is still a problem that needs to be addressed.In order to identify the most vulnerable population for the occurrence of accidents, and knowing that children in the early ages are particularly susceptible given the characteristics of their growth and development, a Literature Review (Scoping Review) was carried out to determine the risk factors for accidents in children aged 0 to 4 years old. The results indicate that the most evident risk factors are the child’s male gender, the mother’s young age, the mother’s and/or family’s lower level of education, low socioeconomic status, less supervision by the caregivers and families with more than 1 child.Within the internships that the Master’s Course in Nursing with Specialization in Child and Pediatric Health Nursing include, the general learning objectives defined were “to develop skills of the Nurse Specialist in Child and Pediatric Health, within accident prevention” and “to develop skills of the Nurse Specialist in Child and Pediatric Health, caring for the child and family in complex situations”.In all of the practical contexts, the knowledge acquired from the literature review was mobilized and transferred, allowing the planning and carrying out of activities based and supported on Nola J. Pender’s Theoretical Health Promotion Model, with the objective of educating caregivers and promoting safe behaviors to prevent childhood accidents. The provision of care, as well as the activities carried out in all 4 locations of the internships allowed the development of the common Nurse Specialist skills, the specific Pediatric Nurse Specialist skills, as well as the master skills. It is important to highlight the crucial intervention of the Pediatric Nurse Specialist in promoting child safety, since they have a privileged position in the community, allowing them to intervene in various different environments, and they have fundamental skills that allow them to identify the families at greater risk, establish close relationships with these families and implement change by promoting safe behaviors.
Date of Award26 Jan 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMargarida Lourenço (Supervisor)


  • Pediatric nursing
  • Accident prevention
  • Risk factors
  • Child


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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