A Jornada Mundial da Juventude como uma forma de João Paulo II exercer o serviço de pastor universal

  • Maria Eduarda Mendes Bontempo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The work on display has as its landmark the World Youth Days as a way for John Paul II to exercise the service of Universal Pastor. The study unfolds in the field of practical pastoral theology, aiming to understand how the WYD was a milestone for John Paul II in carrying out his mission as pastor from the Petrino Chair. If World Youth Day is understood as a <<peak, an awakening, an invitation or a way out>> in the lives of young people, as they were conceived from their birth in Rome, on 20 de December 1985, until today history, is due to the person who instituted them. As well as the famous gesture that became a symbol of his presence (and then absence), which was: kissing the floor of each new place he visited right after getting off the plane. The institution of WYD leads us to think that it was a way of telling the world and the Church, in all its dimensions, that young people are soils that need to be cared for, kissed, welcomed, understood, watered, polished, loved, etc., as did the Good Shepherd - Jesus Christ, the Master of Masters. WYD was an unmistakable way for John Paul II to make the essence of his mission known to the world. As Vicar of Christ on earth and visible Head of the Church, the landmark of the institution of WYD, was a most expressive, encouraging and moving demonstration of guiding its mission. Hence the longest and most vibrant applause from both the young people and the faithful in his presence as a sign that the path he chose, with young people as companions and friends in the mission that God entrusted to him, was truly sublime. And John Paul II allowed and joined the young people in the fight with an evangelical spirit in favor of a welcome focused on the Master's invitation <«<Young man, I tell you, stand up! » (cf. Lc 7, 14), or «in the name of Jesus, arise and walk» (cf. Acts 3,6), with the commitment of responsibility for difference on the horizon. The mission of John Paul II, as the legitimate successor of Peter, was transversally different and impactful. He always walked with his eyes on the past - Second Vatican Council and with his heart on the present, convinced that his Master <<knows everything he needs, before he asks him» (Cf. Mt 6:8). And he carried out his mission as pastor with dignity and attitude, always in communion with the mother Church and with his heart centered on The Shepherd.
Date of Award23 May 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuís M. Figueiredo Rodrigues (Supervisor)


  • Shepherd
  • John Paul II
  • Church
  • World Youth Days


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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