A legalidade dos sistemas autónomos de guerra à luz do direito internacional humanitário
: no vácuo jurídico?

  • Joana Catarina Monteiro Oliveira Gomes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The technological progress achieved in the last decades has drawn the attention of States and their militaries and the impact of these advances on the military field has shown to be a preponderant factor for the power play between major military powers. Autonomous Weapons Systems appear to be the next step in this technological revolution and the possibility of them being used in theatres of war in the near future has forced the international community to take on a reflexive reinterpretation of the various legal sources of International Law and their legal complex. With the purpose of avoiding the legal gaps that may arise in the commission of war crimes through these systems, this dissertation intends to analyze their legality under International Humanitarian Law and ascertain the need and feasibility of an autonomous multilateral regulation.
Date of Award21 Jul 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Isabel Tavares (Supervisor)


  • Autonomous weapons systems
  • International humanitarian law
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Legal gaps
  • Human control
  • Multilateral regulation


  • Mestrado em Direito

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