A legalização de operações urbanísticas ilegais
: o caso especial do regime da demolição como medida da reposição da legalidade urbanística resultante de nulidade do ato de licenciamento

  • Catarina Letras Covas Lima (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The object of our dissertation consists in the analysis of the regime established in article 102(2) of the RJUE, in particular, the provisions set forth in paragraph e) thereof, in which the systematic insertion of demolition as a means of restoring urban legality is at issue. For a better understanding, we will first analyse the urbanistic operations, the mechanisms for prior control of these operations and also the matter related to the causes of invalidity - specifically, nullity - associated with these operations, so as to obtain a spectral view of the constraints associated with the legal regime of the restoration of urban legality
Date of Award15 Dec 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFernanda Paula Oliveira (Supervisor)


  • Urbanistic operations
  • Licensing procedure
  • Urban nullities
  • Restoring legality
  • Demolition


  • Mestrado em Direito

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