A liberdade, um bem maior
: a partir da UL3, do 8.º ano

  • Artur Jorge do Espírito Santo Correia Garcia (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This paper seeks to highlight the entire pedagogic process throughout the 2021/2022 school year. I refer to the planning as well as the reports, reflections, and activities carried out. It was a difficult year, where we learned how to prepare classes and how to communicate correctly with students and convey the intended message. We also learned that example has a very high pedagogic importance and should be used to properly convey the subjects (content) already planned. Being in a classroom and working with my internship colleagues and the cooperating teacher was enriching. I learned a lot from all of them: to be punctual, to prepare and plan classes, to help carry out activities and to always be positive. As I had never taught before, the advice from the cooperating teacher and Professor Cristina Carvalho and my colleagues was important and helped in my personal growth as an EMRC intern teacher. I am grateful to all of them because alone it would not be possible to successfully complete the mission that was assigned to me of being a teacher and student at the Pedro D’Orey da Cunha Basic School 2,3 cycles. This work highlights the entire journey undertaken at the aforementioned school, with the 8th E students, where I was given the responsibility of teaching units 2: Ecumenism and 3: Freedom.
Date of Award20 Nov 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCátia Tuna (Supervisor) & Cristina Sá Carvalho (Co-Supervisor)


  • Freedom
  • Teology
  • Africa
  • EMRC
  • Education
  • Supervised teaching practice


  • Mestrado em Ciências Religiosas

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