A medida tutelar educativa de internamento
: reflexão crítica à tripartição dos regimes de execução

  • Carla Alexandra da Mota Soares Rocha (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The reform of «Minors’ Law» in Portugal, represented by The Child Protection Education Act (Lei Tutelar Educativa), aims an educational and monitoring approach, although currently faces numerous practical challenges. Specifically, the present Dissertation has as its starting point the subject of juvenile delinquency and the way in which, faced with the first problem, the Portuguese State intervenes through the application of Tutelary Educational Institutional Measures, in particular, Internment, considered, by its nature, a measure of last resort, but which, despite the educational purpose of The Child Protection Education Act (Lei Tutelar Educativa), faces the risk, in its implementation, of having punitive or poorly personalized features to, effectively, supply the need revealed by each young person. It is in this regard that we propose to reflect on a possible reconfiguration of the stated measure, giving special focus to the «Open» and «Closed Execution Regimes», always having as impetus the primary idea that a young offender is not a «lost-cause», and still has time, due to the stage of growth he is in, to be educated for the law.
Date of Award1 Oct 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSandra Tavares (Supervisor)


  • Minor/young
  • Tutelary educational institutional measure
  • Internment
  • Open regime
  • Closed regime
  • Educate for the law
  • Individualization


  • Mestrado em Direito

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