A musealização da ruína
: entre a retórica e os limites da prática museológica contemporânea na conservação de obras efémeras

  • Maria Brito de Almeida (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This thesis investigates the conflict inherent in the conservation of artworks of ephemeral or perishable nature that are part of contemporary art collections belonging to Museums. It is explored the gradual transformation of the Museum's competences and premisses throughout its history, understanding that the experimental and processual nature of the artistic practices developed from the 1960s onwards, and which integrate the museum collections in the 1990s, come into conflict with the expectation of an eternal art and with the historicist propensity of the Museum narrative. It is also explored the growing commercial tendency of the Museum and the way in which this translates into a desire to conserve the material dimension of artistic objects, on which their commercial value depends. It is shown that the interruption of the material evolution of works of art can contradict the artist's intention, compromising their conceptual integrity and, consequently, their authenticity. It is concluded that, without the consideration of this intention, the tendency of the museological institution - in alignment with the art market - is to contain the degradation of the works. Musealization is inferred as an active process of legitimization of artistic works, moving away from the idea of disinterested neutrality, traditionally associated with the Museum and its exhibition and conservation strategies. Recognizing the human reluctance in accepting the material extinction of artistic and cultural heritage, it is advocated the implementation of policies and procedures, by the Museum, to solve the issues associated with the material degradation of artistic objects at the time of their acquisition and not at an advanced stage of their institutional life. It is understood that respect for the processual and evolutionary nature of contemporary artistic works contributes to a clearer and more honest relationship between the Museum and its public and to a truer reading of History.
Date of Award6 Dec 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJoana Cristina Moreira Teixeira (Supervisor) & Laura Castro (Co-Supervisor)


  • Ephemeral artworks
  • Musealization
  • Conservation
  • Ruin
  • Dieter Roth


  • Mestrado em Conservação e Restauro de Bens Culturais

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