A new era of movie premieres
: what makes consumers decide for premium video-on demand over cinemas?

  • Moritz Köhne (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Covid 19 has wreaked havoc on the film industry through social distancing restrictions and lockdown measures. Cinemas are a vital revenue stream for film studios and consequentially, slumping box-office sales have forced studios to take action. At the same time, the streaming volume has reached peak levels. With mounting losses in mind, some film studios have therefore opted to release their films digitally via Premium Video-on-Demand (PVOD). An explanatory analysis and eight expert interviews were used to investigate the question of what motivates consumers to stream a film premiere instead of going to the cinema. The results of the Value-based Adoption Model show that the advantages of PVOD slightly outweigh the disadvantages. For customers, convenience is almost twice as important as enjoyment. Perceived risks are the strongest and ease of use the weakest impact on the value composition.Moreover, Digital Natives have the highest level of convenience and perceived risks when deciding for PVOD, while Baby Boomers experience the most enjoyment but also very negative effects from ease of use. There is interest in PVOD for all genres except horror movies. Movie fans additionally show no preference for animated and families are furthermore not interested in sci-fi PVOD.
Date of Award24 Oct 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAndré de Almeida Pinho (Supervisor)


  • Premium video-on-demand
  • Cinemas
  • Streaming
  • Movie theaters
  • Future of cinemas
  • Movie premieres
  • Film industry
  • Covid 19
  • Digital transformation
  • Windowing theory
  • Value-based adoption model
  • Genres


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas

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