A perceção das consumidoras portuguesas acerca do valor de uma marca de cosmética através da sua comunicação digital de marketing
: a L’Oréal Paris

  • Beatriz Mota Duarte (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


We live in a digital era today where social media platforms are paramount for companies to communicate and build closer relations with their clients. Powered by technological evolution, we are witnessing consumers change their purchasing habits and behaviours, which companies must try to level. In particular, the cosmetics industry has been a centre stage for this transformation – companies are utilizing new resources such as augmented reality to try and elevate the online shopping experience, making it dynamic, interactive and tailored to each client. This dissertation aimed at understanding the L’Oréal Paris’ perception amongst Portuguese female consumers, from marketing digital communication through social media platforms Instagram and Facebook. The main objective was to identify which values consumers weigh the most in the cosmetics industry.The methodology chosen is as follows – a mixed investigation, in which the qualitative method was applied through the analysis of the organization’s website and institutional documents; exploratory interviews with two brand and marketing professionals in Portugal; and lastly, a quantitative approach through a questionnaire to L’Oréal Paris’ Portuguese consumers, with a total sample of 409. The study was guided by its centre question – What perception do Portuguese female consumers have about L’Oréal Paris’ marketing digital communication?The main findings from this show that five out of seven variables in analysis are positively evaluated by consumers – Innovation, Perceived Quality, Trust, Word-of-Mouth/eWOM and Loyalty, as opposed to two less present variables – Transparency and Knowledge/Associations. Nevertheless, from a broad standpoint, the selected variables indicate that L’Oréal Paris’s brand has a positive perception by Portuguese female consumers.
Date of Award12 Dec 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Goulart Brandão (Supervisor)


  • Brand equity
  • Consumer behavior
  • Cosmetics Industry
  • Makeup
  • Social media platforms


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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