A pessoa em situação crítica em diferentes contextos de enfermagem

  • Liliana Sofia de Sousa Carvalho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The Specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing aims to acquire skills to provide patient care in critical condition. Thus, it became critical to conduct an internship that was divided into three modules that were developed in the Intensive Care Unit at Intermediate Care Unit and Urgency Service. In this context came the Report Stage which is a set of organized information that aims to reflect the resulting knowledge and learning throughout this period and the specific contribution of each Training Module for my personal and professional development as well as all the professionals that I followed this route. The completion of this report is intended to outline and critically reflect skills acquired and developed during the internship, reflecting on the practice of the Nurse Specialist, show the route and the activities performed in skills and meet an assessment parameter. Seeking well present the growth, development and learning carried out, showing the path through research, experience and analysis of critical-reflexive due to the Stage. As this was followed by a descriptive and reflective methodology which describe the skills acquired, as well as the activities outlined for achieving the same. The Specialist Nurse develops a care practice more responsible, through the acquisition of skills in order to optimize the care provided, as this is needed to link the knowledge, skills and knowledge to be, considering above all the personal and professional values respecting the patient/family as a biopsychosocial being what it is. Along this route you felt difficulties were overcome with the support of Professor Advisor and Tutors. These became enriching challenges that allow me to say that the gains were huge personal and professional, as I met different realities and deepened knowledge that enabled me to acquire new skills. The experience of different situations allows us to understand and assess needs, reflect on practice and recognize common perspectives, establishing a working basis in order to develop the continuity and quality of nursing care provided.
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAmélia Rego (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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