A produção de conteúdos informativos em programas de entretenimento
: o caso de um programa de daytime da televisão portuguesa

  • Florbela Franco Lourenço (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The concept of infotainment is mainly used in literature to refer to what is believed to be the contamination of news spaces by entertainment content. In the case of television, however, we can also observe the reverse, that is, entertainment programs, such as talk shows, have focused on informational content. Health, justice, unemployment and other social issues currently fill a large part of the daytime schedule of Portuguese television programs, especially when they are matters that are relevant nowadays and have a direct impact on citizens. Informing does not just happen in the news or in debate programs, it happens in television formats classically associated with entertainment as well. Faced with such reality, it is important to understand the presence of news content on entertainment shows, ascertaining how to construct informative content issued in programs whose main purpose is to entertain. This implies determining the existence or nonexistence of guidelines for the production of this type of content, as well as the presence or absence of journalistic values. Based on an analysis of the production of informative content broadcast on the TV show Você na TV!, this report verified the existence of a method of work which integrates news information in an entertainment based show. It was, therefore, concluded that several elements associated with news departments, as well as values and journalistic techniques, are used together with tools typical of entertainment, programmes such as the use of graphics and the appeal to emotion, for example. All these components end up contributing to the production of content that inform to entertain and entertain to inform.
Date of Award11 Jul 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNelson Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • Television
  • Entertainment
  • Information
  • Infotainment
  • Talk show
  • Você na TV!


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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