A relação fusional clubbing e drogas
: percepções pelos profissionais do ócio nocturno

  • Ana Vanessa Teixeira Miranda (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The urban speech that surrounds the presence of drugs in nightlife venues is indubitable. This investigation proposes to evaluate the perceptions of night leisure´s professionals (NLP) related to the recreative consume of psychoactive substances (SPA). What is intended to obtain is a comprehension of this phenomenon, through the lens of the professionals, of nightlife establishments. Given the proximity to these users, and demonstrated the usefulness of their inclusion in interventions implemented in entertainment venues (Calafat et al., 2005), it is important know their ideas about recreational use as well as their personal practices in application of use SPA. The accession of these elements represents an added value when it comes to ensuring the efficiency of the implementation of programs aimed at the use of substances at recreational settings, since it is these who “raise” (greater projection image/ center position) in entertainment space, dictating, sometimes, local rules, related to alcohol and other SPA. Determining the permissiveness of this professional sector linked to the economical factor is another attempt. The sample of the investigation was constituted by 7 elements of the staff, which were collected to a semi-structured interview. The same was analysed qualitatively, turning, for his purpose, to a content analysis. It were also conducted records of participant and non- participant observation in several recreational contexts (RC). The study results show a temporal perspective the growing circulation SPA in the RC, proving that strong law enforcement brings on monetary damages to businesses. Raising NLP´s awareness in what concerns using illegal SPA in the RC was refered. However, the unenforceability of the strategies commonly used for this purpose, make their use more normative. The spread of such “normative social/contextual” seems to also contribute to the continued or sporadic consumption, in working hours, of their own NLP.
Date of AwardJan 2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRaquel Matos (Supervisor)


  • Night leisure’s professionals
  • Psychoactive substances
  • Recreational contexts


  • Mestrado em Psicologia

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