A renovação catequética impulsionada por D. António Barbosa Leão
: o Congresso de 1916

  • Samuel Filipe Estêvão Camacho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


António Barbosa Leão (1860-1929), as bishop of the Algarve, faced in the beginning of the 20th century a changing social reality due to a profound renovation. This also reached the understanding of the Catholic person, through the understanding of the individual, no longer in a denominational but in an experiential way, which allowed for the opening of horizons of reform in ecclesial structures. Congresses and the press were, at that time, the important means of reaching out in a comprehensive manner to more sectors of the population in Portugal and made it possible to reformulate the existing evangelization network. These factors influenced the Algarve prelate who focused his action on reconfiguring priestly identity and formation, insisting on their updating in order to sustain a reorganization of the prophetic dimension: preaching and catechesis. The Congress of Catholic Works of 1916 was central in this pastoral action of this prelate in the diocese of Algarve, enabling a greater mobilization of the Algarve communities for an ecclesial resurgence.
Date of Award20 Sept 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAntónio Matos Ferreira (Supervisor)


  • António Barbosa Leão - bishop
  • Diocese of Algarve
  • Catechism
  • Congress of Catholic Works
  • Training of the clergy
  • Pastoral renewal


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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