A sobercarga dos cuidadores informais dos doentes de um serviço de oncologia e medicina

  • Francisca Elisa de Oliveira Ferreira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Current trends in health care are oriented to the development of ways to care. The caregiver is asked to participate in the process of care. The informal caregivers providing care related to the diverse nature of activities of daily living. According Collière (2003) these include care of "hygiene, food, clothing, protection, mobilization, attention, comfort, security, home treatment and socialization." Actually the Informal Caregiver is the invisible character responsible for maintaining the patient in need of care and their well-being and quality of life, which is seen "so involved in the care process that often does not discuss the their own needs. "Experience difficulties, feelings and needs related to lack of information about the disease and care, the lack of resources, economic support and lack of emotional support. The study objectives were, first, realize that the informal caregivers of patients in the Service of Medical Oncology and Medicine of Between Douro and Vouga Hospital Centre (CHEDV) – Unity of Feira, were overloaded and secondly, identify the factors causing overload and compare it. This research was quantitative, in nature, was evaluating a set of parameters related to caregiver burden. We use tools adapted to the Portuguese population, Graffar; Zarit; BARTHEL, CADI, CAMI and CASI. In this study it was found that the informal caregivers are not overload. The higher is the dependence of patient, higher is the overhead. In addition, informal caregivers of Medical Service presents more difficulties and because of that, they using more coping strategies. They still have a greater satisfaction in care. In this context, it is imperative to intervene in nursing programs to support this type of caregivers, both in the training aspect and in its practical application.
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuís Octávio de Sá (Supervisor) & Aldiro Magano (Co-Supervisor)


  • Informal caregiver
  • Overload
  • Sick
  • Nursing


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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