A tríade virtuosa
: família, escola e comunidade : um estudo de caso na transição pós-escolar

  • Patrícia Carla Dantas de Oliveira Mendonça Salgado (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study aims to present a set of reflections on the issue of school-family interaction in the inclusion of students with special needs, especially those with disabilities, in regular education classes. What are the perceptions of stakeholders and the human and material resources for development and full use of these skills to the students, as well as, their transition for post-school life? Supporting me in literature, professional practice and personal reflection, I tried to understand the education responses and the most appropriate resources to the implementation of Decree-Law 3/2008 of 7 January. To emphasize the concept of the school is to be inclusive, universal and for all and the relationship between school, family and community as essential in the complex transition to adult life developed from the perspective of development and acquisition of skills to enable these young people with SEN full adaptation in society. Thus, I reflected on the construction of social identity of disability and how the fight towards discrimination as well as towards prejudice has been huge, although arduous achievements in many areas, there has also been a slow evolution for a society with an increasingly humanized vision. However, the lack of resources both human and material, and the difficult articulation of the various process stakeholders continues to be decisive in the success of the implementation of individual plans. In this context, the role of the Special Education Teacher and School-Family-Community cooperation are crucial.
Date of Award27 Sept 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFilomena Ermida Figueiredo Branco da Ponte (Supervisor)


  • Special Needs Education
  • Family
  • School
  • Inclusion
  • Cooperation
  • Integration
  • Transition to adulthood


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial

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