A vida como projeto
: problemática na adolescência : uma abordagem centrada na unidade letiva 3 do 9º ano "Projeto de vida" do programa de Educação Moral e Religiosa Católica

  • Maria do Rosário Carvalho da Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report is part of the Supervised Teaching Practice of the Master's Degree in Religious Sciences and its main objetive is to describe and justify the work carried out during this year of professional training. This explanation reflects the importance of thinking about life as a project in adolescence, because it is a phase of expectations and perspetives, in a constantly developing future. To achieve this training, as a pedagogical strategy, I followed the inductive method, I tried to promote the critical spirit, the development of autonomy, as well as to elaborate activities and implement strategies that privileged the interests and the sociocultural context of the students. In an age marked by intolerance and violence, by not accepting the foreigner and the migrant, it is crucial to give our students sensitivity and reason for welcoming the Other, the one for whom I am also responsible, to make them participate in the construction of a more hospitable and truly inclusive society. For this purpose, diverse and appropriate didactic resources were used to the universe of students, using dynamic activities and collaborative work, in order to promote restlessness, questioning, and disquietude. Thus, it´s intended to give the students some keys of reference, dismantling apathy and indifferentism, guiding them to the ative and constructive participation of their own project.
Date of Award6 Jul 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Isabel Pereira Varanda (Supervisor)


  • Projects
  • Adolescence
  • Happyness
  • Dreams
  • Perspetives
  • Expectations
  • Friendship
  • Family
  • School
  • Responsibility
  • Society
  • Construction
  • Vocation
  • Choices
  • God
  • Religion
  • Teaching


  • Mestrado em Ciências Religiosas

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