Acidente de trabalho in itinere
: o trajeto protegido, as interrupções ou desvios e as necessidades atendíveis do trabalhador à luz da mais recente doutrina e jurisprudência portuguesa

  • Maria Margarida Ferreira Moreira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Occupational accident is, nowadays, one of the most present matters in the Labour Courts, justified by the fact that the issue of work-related accident is a matter of high social importance because, on a daily basis, the worker is subject to accidents in the face of the occupational risks that the work has to offer, whether in the workplace, at lunchtime or on the home-work path, and vice-versa. Although provided for in the Labour Code, work-related accidents are regulated by their own in the Occupational Accident and Occupational Disease Repair Scheme or commonly dubbed the Occupational Accident Act. A work-related accident is one that occurs on site and time of work and directly or indirectly produces bodily injury, functional disturbance or illness resulting in a reduction in the ability to work or gain or die, in accordance with the law. Not all work-related occur on site and on time, it is the case of work-related accident in itinere, an extension of the concept of work-related, with jurisprudential origin, already implemented in Portuguese law several years ago. It is the one that occurs on the way to the workplace or back from the workplace, as the law provides. Of the various courses, the present study will focus on the route between habitual or occasional residence and the workplace and on the route between the workplace and lunch (vice-versa) because they are the most relevant and those that raise the most doubts as well as their deviations, interruptions and needs met, always in the light of the understanding of the doctrine and diversified existing jurisprudence.
Date of Award24 Jan 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJúlio Manuel Vieira Gomes (Supervisor)


  • Work-related accident
  • Work-related accident in itinere
  • Mischaracterization of the work-related accident
  • Course
  • Interruption
  • Deviation
  • Worker’s relevant needs


  • Mestrado em Direito

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