Acompanhamento espiritual juvenil no carisma de Dom Bosco
: uma reflexão no âmbito da Teologia Espiritual

  • Salvador Mau Huno José (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


I have approached, essentially and as the main goal of this work, the youthful spiritual accompaniment in don Bosco's charism as something necessary to be thought and reflected, for it is part of this universe so vast that it is made up of family, school and Church. Instead of criticize or devalue the society where we are inserted, throughout this work, I try to frame my field of activity, the importance of spiritual accompaniment towards young people, in the growth and education of young people as well as the establishment of some goals of action for it. I also take an approach on this subject and its specific contribution to the formation of the human being - especially young people and their advantages in the education system, which, in my view, can contribute to achieving a good spiritual accompaniment of youngsters. This work is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, I present the Summary Biography of St. John Bosco. Within this chapter, I try to present the figure of St. John Bosco (1815–1888) as well as the context in which he lived, the biographical features of his life, his spiritual experience and the birth of a charism. In the second chapter, I essentially approach the Spiritual Accompaniment of Young People as Charism, based on the spiritual experience of St. John Bosco, from which the clear lines for spiritual accompaniment of young people take place (a crucial topic in today's world. In this second chapter, I also try to display how the charism of St John Bosco still continues today to be entirely effective for the spiritual accompaniment of young people. Therefore, I establish some considerations about this charism: a charism that seduces and leads to a spiritual experience of young people; a charism that goes beyond individualism and leads to group, to communion; a charism that leads to the maturing of the faith of young people. In the third chapter, and as a consequence of the second one, I will present the theme of the Spiritual Accompaniment of Contemporary Young People: the Challenges and the Formation of the Youth Spiritual Companion. As one can observe the purpose of this work is to focus on the challenges of spiritual accompaniment of contemporary young people. What does it mean today, ultimately, to engage in formation for spiritual accompaniment? A very wide field of reflection opens here. Hence, in this section I try to examine two aspects: first, the challenge of postmodernity; second, the need for the formation of the youthful spiritual companion. This dissertation is not only for the conclusion of my theology course, but, essentially, it serves to develop a more critical and thoughtful self-assessment of my vocation, and to reflect more deeply on my mission of youth spiritual accompaniment, as a religious and as a Salesian priest, having in my hands the main purpose of that which left us Don Bosco: the salvation of the souls of young people, especially the poorest and neediest.
Date of Award26 May 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorTeresa Messias (Supervisor)


  • Accompaniment
  • Spiritual
  • Young
  • Spiritual experience and birth of a charism


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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