Adaptação da Generic Scale of Being Phubbed para a população portuguesa

  • Letícia Diana da Silva Mendes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Mobile phones play an important role in maintaining personal and professional relationships, however, their excessive, abusive or inappropriate use can have a negative effect on these same interpersonal relationships. Several authors have developed tools to evaluate Phubbing which consists of a person using/looking at their phone during a real interaction with another person. This study aims to adapt and validate the Generic Scaleof Being Phubbed for the Portuguese population, establishing the convergent validity of instruments with others that evaluate similar constructs such as the Partner Phubbing Scale and the Nomophobia Questionnaire; and to investigate the differences and/or relationships between sociodemographic variables, mobile phone usage variables andthe Generic Scale of Being Phubbed. The Portuguese version of the Generic Scale ofBeing Phubbed maintained the structure proposed by the authors of the original version. The correlations obtained by the scale with other instruments ensured convergent validity. Differences were found in the scale values according to some sociodemographic variables (age, gender, marital status, relational status, having or not children, number of years of schooling and professional status) and some variables ofmobile phone use (years of mobile phone use and frequency in minutes per day ofmobile phone use).
Date of Award28 Jan 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorÂngela Leite (Supervisor)


  • Generic Scale of Being Phubbed
  • Nomophobia questionnaire
  • Partner Phubbing Scale
  • Mobile


  • Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde

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