Adaptação escolar
: trajetórias de um grupo de crianças nascidas prematuramente

  • Filipa Raquel Sousa Macedo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Prematurity is a thematic that has led many investigations, mainly for its impact on child development. This impact is several times associated with cognitive, academic and behavioral issues. In this sense, it appears as a risk factor for development and learning, being a high risk to transition and scholar adaptation. The present study presents the following objectives: characterize the scholar adaptation of prematurely born children through “Questionário de Avaliação da Adaptação à Escola” and relate these results with other data of children clinical history, developmental and familiar, specifically gestational age, birth weight, length of hospitalization, the results of the developmental profile obtained by “Escala de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths” (administered to five years old), and the level of education and occupation of parents. The data collection was done with help of teachers of 15 prematurely born children that started compulsory school in the years of 2013 and 2014. The instruments used were a “Ficha Clínica e Sociodemográfica da criança” and the “Questionário de Avaliação da Adaptação à Escola”, validated and adapted for Portuguese population by Pinto and Morgado, 1998 (Morgado, 1998). The main results show that children in the sample have higher average values regarding social integration and behavior, and lower mean values compared with the Basic Requirements and Receptive Language. It is verified that the “Escala de Desenvolvimento Mental de Griffiths” presents significative relations with “Questionário de Avaliação da Adaptação à Escola” as well as the level of language skill. It is not verified statistically relevant differences between the “Questionário de Avaliação da Adaptação à Escola” results and the clinical data (gestational age, birth weight and length hospitalization) and sociodemographic (Academic degree and parents occupation). In the end of the study, there is discussed the implications and the limitations of it and made suggestions for future investigation.
Date of Award22 Jul 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorElisa Veiga (Supervisor)


  • Prematurity
  • Scholar adaptation
  • Scholar transition
  • Biological risk factors
  • Environmental risk factors


  • Mestrado em Psicologia

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