Adesão à segunda dose da vacinação covid-19
: um relato de intervenção de enfermagem

Translated title of the thesis: Adherence to the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination: a nursing intervention report
  • Vera Diana da Silva Guedes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present report was carried out as part of master’s Course in Nursing with Specialization in Community Health and Public Health Nursing (EESCSP), of the Institute of Health Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. It is intended to describe, analyze, and reflect, on the one hand, on the activities developed and the competencies acquired in the context of the internship held in a public health unit in the northern region of Portugal, focusing on the action on the participation of the second dose of vaccination against COVID-19 and, on the other, on the role of nursing in promoting this support. Faced with a pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 and having a new vaccine capable of minimizing morbidity and mortality rates and protecting the sustainability of the health system, it was extremely important to encourage adherence to vaccination. Vaccination presents itself as one of the greatest achievements of Public Health, and Portugal has always presented a strong vaccination culture. As a complicating factor and with a negative impact on vaccination adherence, was identified the scarce level of information about a new vaccine, created and made available in a way never before verified. According to the verification of health records, in the action research based on health planning and through descriptive statistics, 503 users who did not attend the second vaccination dose were identified. The individual analysis of each of the cases made it possible to understand the causes of the no-show and in this way, it was possible to directly intervene. Of the 428 eligible users, 109 answered the questionnaire over the phone. Of these, 15.6% mentioned having doubts about the importance of vaccination; 29% did not adhere due to fear and 29.9% by contraindication. Of those who did not join: 66.7% did not adhere due to beliefs, stating that they did not believe in the disease and 55.6% of the population did not attend due to compromised accessibility. The observation of nursing diagnoses regarding adherence to vaccination was also carried out in this population, and of the 428 users with the second dose of the vaccine overdue, 332 had the diagnosis of adherence raised and only 49 had the diagnosis of non-adherence. The perception that the difficulties were mainly related to the low health literacy allowed the construction of a decision support tree, to guide the Nurse in health education according to the committed focus. It was possible to create an instrument for the systematization of information, with dynamic results, which can guide the performance of nurses in their various interventions. The results were analyzed and compared before and after the intervention aiming to understand the health gains. Due to weariness and focus on the pandemic, the dissemination of the results of the work carried out during the investigation was rethought and improved. The sharing of knowledge was done through the creation of a digital newsletter, training courses in form of online videos and disseminated by the functional units of ACeS. As part of the development of the various skills of the EESCSP, Master's competences were also improved, seeking to bring new forms of communication, interaction and sharing, which can leverage the desire for a better Knowledge
Date of Award29 Jun 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJoão Neves-Amado (Supervisor)


  • Vaccination
  • COVID-19
  • Nursing
  • Adherence
  • Health planning


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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