Adesão à vacina contra a gripe
: motivações dos enfermeiros

  • Carla Sofia Soares Filipe (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: The World Health Organization and the Direção Geral de Saúde consider that the health professionals are one of the prior groups on vaccination against influenza virus. Influenza is a seasonal disease and the vaccination seems to be the most efficient prevention against it The optimization of the health professional immunity’s really important for their health and also to the persons they contact with. Material and Methods: The main objectives of this study were the evaluation of nurses’ adherence to the vaccine against influenza and the exploration of factors associated with that in a hospital and health centers from the same region. This was an exploratory and quantitative study conducted with a sample of 256 individuals (84% female and16% male). Of these, 68% reported that had already been vaccinated at least once during their life and 36% had been vaccinated annually against influenza virus. All data were collected from a questionnaire. Results: Of all participants, 68% report having already immunized at least once during their lifetime and 36% vaccinated annually against influenza vírus. It was verified that nurses who work at the health center had a higher percentage adherence, but this difference is not statistically significant. This adherence to vaccination increases, in percentage terms, as age increases and there are significant differences in the different age groups.Conclusion: It was concluded that the vaccine is considered effective by most nurses, however, there are some variables which influence the adhesion to this vaccine. The results indicate that in this study sample is given more importance to knowledge and pre-availability to the pathology than to the opinion forwarded by significant others and/or media, in what regards the decision factors for adherence to the vaccine.
Date of Award17 May 2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Henriqueta de Jesus Silva (Supervisor) & Zaida Charepe (Co-Supervisor)


  • Influenza virus
  • Vaccination
  • Nurses
  • Motivation
  • Adhesion


  • Mestrado em Infeção em Cuidados de Saúde

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