Análise da posição de implantes colocados com guia cirúrgica computorizada
: comparação entre a posição planeada e a final

  • Sandro Filipe Choupina Lopes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: One of the primary requirements for a digital workflow in implant placement planning is to perform a correct imaging survey of the maxillofacial structures, in this case cone beam computed tomography is needed for use in pre- and post-surgical evaluation. of patients. To complement this planning, the impression of the patient's dental arch is a fundamental element, for this we use an intraoral scanner. The use of computerized surgical guides makes it possible to place implants prosthetically guided and with a very high degree of precision. A surgical guide for implant placement is defined as a splint/guide used to assist in the correct surgical placement and angulation of dental implants.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse the 3D position of Straumann TLX® and BLX® implants placed at the University Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Portuguese Catholic University through computer-guided static surgery and compare it with the digital planning performed. Materials and methods: Tooth and muco-supported static guides were used for the placement of dental implants, with two placement methods, fully guided and pilot drill. To calculate the deviations, the fingerprints with postoperative scanbodies of the dental implants were superimposed on the preoperative planning, using the add-on “Treatment Evaluation” of coDiagnostiX® was used to evaluate the precision of implant locations. Results: 36 implants were analysed. The angular deviations (shoulder and apex) presented median values of 4.4° and 1.7° respectively, while the 3D deviations (shoulder and apex) values were 1.14 and 1.81 respectively. Statistically significant differences were found in 8 of the nine parameters measured (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, the guided approach to implant placement suggested that the apical regions are more likely to present deviations, namely in the buccolingual and mesiodistal directions, there was an angular deviation of 4.40º and values of 1.04mm and 1.70mm of 3D displacement on the shoulder and apex of the implant comparing it with the pre-surgical planning.
Date of Award15 Jul 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAndré Correia (Supervisor) & Tiago Marques (Co-Supervisor)


  • Computer-assisted surgery
  • Dental implants
  • Cone-beam computed tomography
  • Comparative studies
  • Retrospective studies


  • Mestrado em Medicina Dentária

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