Análise musical como estratégia auxiliar de ensino nas aulas de instrumento
: um estudo de caso no CCM sobre o recurso dos professores a esta estratégia

  • Ana Maria dos Santos Lopes Valente Dias (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Despite some recent developments in the psychology and education research, a separation between academic (including analytical) and performing disciplines, it is still currently observed in musical training. As a result, students tend to unconsciously develop this polarization, which eventually will manifest in their own attitudes both as musicians and as teachers. Music Analysis is a discipline that researchers and educators in music studies recognize that can bring benefits, when applied as an auxiliary teaching strategy in instrument classes. Analyse a musical piece, identifying its elements and searching for the explanation of how these elements interact, thus assigning a meaning to the composition, will deepen the knowledge beyond the intuitive perception, which can lead to a better instrument learning and performance. Aspects such as becoming fully familiar with the piece, technical and expressive performance, sight-reading and memorization of the piece, may benefit from the use of this strategy. Through this study, it is our aim to investigate the perception that instrument teachers have about the use of music analysis as an auxiliary teaching strategy, and to identify the main reasons for apply, or not, this strategy in their classes. The research is supported by a case study that involves the instrument teachers of Centro de Cultura Musical das Caldas da Saúde (CCM). Being a descriptive study, we aim to discover relationships between factors, adopting a qualitative and quantitative methodology, and collecting information through interviews and questionnaires.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPaulo Ferreira Lopes (Supervisor) & Telmo Marques (Supervisor)


  • Musical analysis
  • Teacher
  • Musical instrument teaching
  • Learning
  • Teaching strategy


  • Mestrado em Ensino de Música

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