Analyzing the significance of AI in digital marketing teams
: a case study on Gocomo and the AI assistant Alfred

  • Antonela Ivankovic (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This thesis investigates the phenomenon of AI in digital marketing, and how it can address challenges, such as enhancing creativity. This was researched by analyzing how Human-AI collaboration is managed, describing a clear distribution of human and AI capabilities in creative processes, and lastly determining the impact of AI on business performance. The status quo was evaluated within a literature review, followed by a case study which was conducted on a specific company offering an AI assistant called alfred: gocomo. The results of this case study including qualitative expert interviews and archival records are that implementing tools such as alfred significantly boosts efficiency, by handling quantitative data tasks. During creative processes, AI is used to augment initial brainstorming, inspiration, and final refinement stages, thus enhancing creativity to a certain degree. Hereby human oversight remains essential, reflected in required subjectivity, personal taste, gut feeling, and emotional connections. Following a gradual implementation process of AI, digital marketing teams can address AI knowledge gaps. The main challenges identified include trust, legal and ethical challenges and can be overcome by taking on a proactive approach in managing transparency and compliance. Success of AI can be measured using traditional KPIs, while considering introducing a new KPI for AI9s usefulness from a human perspective. Soft KPIs such as customer interaction and employee satisfaction are highlighted to fully capture AI9s impact on businesses. The thesis concludes with proposals concerning the implementation of AI in tool providing companies such as gocomo, and their respective digital marketing teams.
Date of Award25 Jun 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRené Bohnsack (Supervisor) & Cláudia Marante (Co-Supervisor)


  • Artificial intelligence (AI) in digital marketing
  • AI in creativity
  • Human-AI collaboration
  • Human-AI creative process
  • Challenges of AI
  • KPIs in AI


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas (mestrado internacional)

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