Ao encontro da natureza através da poesia Haiku de Matsuo Bashô

  • Leonilda Isidoro Cavaco Alfarrobinha (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The japanese poetry is not very known in Portugal in spite of the connection between our country and Japan dating from the 16th century. In the Japanese society, the interest for poetry and its practice have been expressed since old times. The poetic genre haiku that has its sources in former genres, developed in the 17th century thanks to the poet Matsuo Bashô who improved it and gave it literary value. The presence of Nature in the haiku it is one of its main features. By searching a deep knowledge of Nature and of the haiku’s art, Bashô looked for a life´s meaning. Our translation and our study of one hundred of his poems, allowed us to follow his course, his life’s philosophy and the devotion to his art. Nowadays, the interest for this poetic genre continues in Japan. Abroad its knowledge and its practice have spread in many countries.
Date of Award21 Jan 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorEva Maria Von Kemnitz (Supervisor)


  • Bashô
  • Haiku
  • Haikai
  • Nature
  • Japanese poetry


  • Mestrado em Estudos Orientais

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