As necessidades e os recursos de indivíduos com diabetes tipo 2 na idade adulta
: estudo qualitativo

  • Joana Rita da Conceição Pinto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases of our time, affecting about 285million people worldwide, aged between 20 and 79 years old (Siam, 2007). Type 2diabetes is currently considered an enormous public health challenge, due to itsprevalence and incidence with an increasing tendency and also for the associatedcomplications. Those who live with a disease like DT2, have several aspects of their dailylives reached, due to the demands that this type of chronic disease imposes on theindividual's lifestyle (Pais, Guedes & Menezes, 2013). This work intends to approach theType 2 Diabetes experience and all the challenges associated with it, from the perspectiveof the individual who lives with it, specifically exploring the role of social support, healthprofessionals and information in adapting to type 2 diabetes. The study adopted aqualitative approach, using a semi-structured interview and a brief sociodemographicquestionnaire. This investigation involved 11 individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,who were recruited through a non-probabilistic sample for convenience, from theinvestigator's network of contacts. The participation criteria were to have been diagnosedwith Type 2 diabetes at least 6 months ago and had to be at least 18 years old. Participantsanswered a sociodemographic questionnaire and then also participated in a semistructuredinterview that intended to answer the objectives of the study. The interviewswere recorded and transcribed, for a later thematic analysis. The final results showed that,for some participants, the initial diagnosis was the most complicated and difficult tomanage. However, there were participants who were already aware of type 2 diabetesthrough close family members. Having some knowledge and mechanisms for a better andfaster management of the disease, saying they feel more prepared to deal with diabetes.Compared with participants who had no previous knowledge of diabetes, they describedthat they were anguished and afraid of the unknown. Almost all participants referred tothe habits they had to change, but without ever neglecting the disease. There was onlyone participant, who mentioned that they do not have the care they should have withdiabetes and that what they really wanted was not to have them, also mentioning that theykeep their habits the same. Regarding social support, everyone reported that they havethis support present, but that without social support, they would not have been able tomanage the disease in the same way, it was considered a very important protective factorfor the participants. However, there were participants who reported that despite havingsocial support they felt that the management of DT2 depended solely on you and yourmotivation for change. Finally, in relation to health professionals and the informationtransmitted, all participants except one, mentioned that they always felt well accompaniedand health professionals were essential to clarify doubts and to manage type 2 diabetes.However, one participant reported that he was not well monitored, that his doubts werenot clarified by the health professional and that everything he knows so far, was throughhis local pharmacist and also, as he dealt with the disease is that it was learning whatworked best for you. Thus, type 2 diabetes is a very demanding disease for the individualand requires many changes and routines in the long term, therefore, it becomes essential,the cooperation of all involved, such as the family that was the most mentioned by allparticipants, as well as health professionals. That said, if this mutual and direct supportdid not exist, management would be much more demanding and more discouraged.
Date of Award28 Jan 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAna Rita Goes (Supervisor)


  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Resources
  • Social support
  • Self-management
  • Health service
  • Health professionals


  • Mestrado em Psicologia do Bem-Estar e Promoção da Saúde

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