As TIC e a motivação escolar
: um estudo numa turma de percursos curriculares alternativos

  • Maria de Fátima Simão Mendes Tomé (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work aims to understand if the use of Information Technology and Communication in the context of the classroom, contributes to the motivation of students in a class Course Alternative Curriculum. From the standpoint of the theoretical framework, the work focused on themes / concepts of Special Educational Needs (SEN) Course Alternative Curriculum (PCA), Early school leavers, School academic failure, Integration and Inclusion, School Motivation, Learning Theories and Technologies Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Throughout the paper we understand if the use of ICT promotes the motivation of school students from PCA, thus contributing to improve their learning. Simultaneously, we tried to understand how students perceive ICT. To achieve this purpose we adopt a case study methodology, opting for an eminently qualitative analysis of data collected. As techniques of data collection we used the classroom observation, documental research and interviews with students in the class under study. The results showed that students prefer classes where PCA is used ICT, because they consider them more motivating and facilitating learning. We hope that the conclusions will contribute to a better understanding of the binomial ICT / Motivation in classes with similar characteristics to the study.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Reis Lagarto (Supervisor) & Hugo Caldeira (Co-Supervisor)


  • Alternative curriculum pathways
  • Information and communication
  • Motivation


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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