Asian Boss, La Chaîne YouTube qui (dé)construit les stereotypes culturels avec les passant·e·s Chinois·e·s de Shanghai

  • Sarah Alexandra de Oliveira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Asian Boss is a media start-up that works primarily on the platform of videosharing, YouTube. In order to function, to be funded, and have as much visibility aspossible, the channel must follow the rules of the platform. This includes the operation ofspecific algorithms, that influences the choice of topics as well as the main language inwhich the channel works, English. Asian Boss works mostly with street interviews, takingplace in various Asian countries, including China, which is the one that this study willfocus on. The topics elaborated are related to cultural and societal fact and events, thatalways refer to cultural stereotypes, whether directly or indirectly. These stereotypesinfluence a narrative, a construction of a Chinese national-cultural identity, that definesitself through an ‘Us’, the Chinese from Shanghai, and an ‘Other’, Westerners. Thedynamics of in-group and out-group, as well as the constitutive norms, relational content,cognitive models and social purpose, enable the analysis of this identity. It also helps inthe articulation of one of the specificities of ‘Us’, with the case of sheng nü 剩女, or‘leftover women’. This permits the analysis of a stereotype that is particular to the Chinesecontemporary society. Thanks to these elements, Asian Boss wishes to bring its targetaudience, more American, and its Chinese topics closer together, by reinforcing similarcharacteristics.
Date of Award24 Sept 2021
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorBeatriz Hernandez (Supervisor) & Nelly Quemener (Co-Supervisor)


  • Asian Boss
  • YouTube
  • Stereotypes
  • Cultural identity
  • Representation


  • Mestrado em Estudos Asiáticos

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