Assessing the market performance of social media, monitoring dashboards
: identification of key attributes

  • Hernan Dario Dussan Restrepo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Which technical features drive market demand for social media monitoring dashboards (SMMDs)? Social networks are a “door of opportunity” to establish a product or brand through social media, and to engage new consumers. Social media makes it easier to monitor, collect, analyze, and manage sentiment, attitudes, complaints, software inquiries, and discussions. A measurement strategy is a fundamental factor to obtain these types of information. Although there are alternative ways to gather this data, different SMMDs enable data analysis, allowing management to glean business insights that enables enterprises to capitalize on all this information to make informed decisions. This dissertation includes key features that can be used to analyze SMMDs. A literature review helped to identify research questions for this study. Consequently, questions were formulated in the interview script addressed to informants in Colombia and Portugal. This interview filtered key features identified as most important when facing the need to choose a dashboard. Once the information was gathered, a survey was designed. The survey focused around three key features: visualization/user interface, real-time processing, and cost. These attributes emerged from an analysis of the respondents’ survey. Responses were then categorized, and themes began to be gleaned from the respondents’ answers. Finally, these categories were evaluated by community managers (CMs), which total number of collected samples was 169 surveys. The intentionality behind this methodology was to discover a criteria by which to select dashboards, concluding real-time processing as a key feature chosen by 69,2% of responders. Respondents chose it as a fundamental attribute. Another relevant issue during analysis, considered by CMs, based on years of experience with the tool, was Hootsuite since it is a well-known dashboard, with a mean of 3,39, and a σ=1,22. This choice represented approximately 33%, which made it the most preferred tool by CMs at middle to large companies.
Date of Award18 Oct 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAna Isabel de Almeida Costa (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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