Avaliação das necessidades paliativas biopsicossociais das pessoas em situação de sem-abrigo da cidade de Lisboa

  • Carolina Inês Vieira Félix (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: This thesis aims to evaluate the homeless’s psychosocial palliative needs in Lisbon. This is a high-risk population, considered as having the most extreme social exclusion, with complex problems (material, social, psychological, pathologic), causing a significant rise in the mortality rate. Socioeconomic inequities make it difficult to access health services, as for specialized health services, as palliative care, the access is almost non-existent.Methods: the target population (n=30) are the homeless people of Lisbon, being compared with former homeless people admitted at Comunidade Vida e Paz (n=35). A correlational quantitative study was developed, applying a validated and adapted version to the FACITG, version 4, and a socio-demographic questionnaire.Results: Homeless people report worse results in FACIT-G than patients at Comunidade Vida e Paz (55.87 against 65.99). Even those homeless cared for by specialized doctors report biopsychosocial pain. Conclusion: This study’s participants show less pain after receiving biopsychosocial support (by health care centres or by the Comunidade Vida e Paz), yet they still show signs of total pain. With biopsychosocial support there are signs of raised self-awareness and more insight. The creation of well-defined health services, with multidisciplinary teams with knowledge of the philosophy of Palliative Care could subside homeless’ suffering.
Date of Award9 Jun 2018
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuel Luís Capelas (Supervisor)


  • Homeless people
  • Palliative needs
  • Biopsychosocial needs


  • Mestrado em Cuidados Paliativos

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