Avaliação de processo do programa de intervenção #EntreViagenseAprendizagens
: perceções de alunos, professores e pais

  • Maria Leonor Vidreira Faria Nunes da Fonseca (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The #EntreViagenseAprendizagens program aims to promote the well-being and healthy lifestyles of adolescents in a school context, considering the approaches of socio-emotional learning, positive psychology and health literacy. In addition to evaluating the impact of the program in quantitative terms (of the target dimensions of intervention), it is also important to evaluate the intervention process itself and satisfaction with it. Therefore, the present study, fundamentally qualitative and transversal in nature, aims to evaluate the intervention process of the #EntreViagenseAprendizagens program, implemented in the 2021/2022 academic year in three schools in the Lisbon region, as well as satisfaction with the intervention and possible changes resulting therefrom, considering the perspectives of students, teachers and parents. Using thematic analysis and descriptive statistics procedures, data collected through seven focus groups (in which 16 students, 4 parents and 5 teachers participated) were analyzed, and the program evaluation forms completed by participants at the end of the intervention (n=152 students). Regarding quantitative data, high satisfaction with the program was revealed (M=3.36, SD=0.705), with 89.3% (n=75) reporting that they liked or really enjoyed participating in the program. Additionally, 81% of students said they would recommend the program to friends. The results revealed the development and acquisition of new learning related to physical and mental health, the acquisition of socio-emotional skills (e.g., emotional literacy, self-knowledge and emotional regulation) and the need for some changes to the program in terms of content and activities. In short, the results were quite positive as they not only revealed high satisfaction with the program but also the acquisition of different learning and the introduction of desirable changes through the intervention, thus reinforcing the importance of the program and adding credibility to it.
Date of Award29 May 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRita Francisco (Supervisor)


  • Intervention program
  • Adolescents
  • Socio-emotional learning
  • Well-being
  • Health literacy
  • Process evaluation
  • Thematic analysis


  • Mestrado em Psicologia do Bem-Estar e Promoção da Saúde

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