Barriers to the diffusion of microfluidics from research to market

  • Gonçalo Martim Gomes Branco Mafra Salgado (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Microfluidics is an interdisciplinary science that brings together such fields as: material engineering, physics, chemistry, biochemistry and nanotechnology, among others. It has the potential to affect such fields as: clinical diagnostics, flow chemistry, pharmaceutical and life sciences, drug delivery and point-of-care. Microfluidics potentialities have been realized in product such as: 4KScore Prostate Cancer Test and LabChip Systems, nevertheless there’s still a very limited number of microfluidic devices that have had an impact in broader audiences. The methodology for this dissertation comprised of a management and scientific based literature review, and an online questionnaire, in order to leverage the anticipation power of managerial concepts to improve microfluidics spread and adoption. It was found that the main barriers to the diffusion of microfluidics are: lack of standards and integration, lack of communication between academia and industry, technology for technology’s sake mentality and lack of focused work. Furthermore, these barriers are predicted by managerial frameworks and are characteristic of emerging technologies, and where supported by survey data. Solutions to overcome these barriers were suggested such as: implementing the concept of strategy (what to do, and what not to do), switch to a market pull mindset, foster academia to increase the cooperation with manufacturers and implement quality control processes. Lastly, microfluidics has a higher likelihood to reach broader markets in areas as: Point-of-care (POC), Pharmaceutical and life science research, Clinical & veterinary diagnostics, and arguably Analytical Devices.
Date of Award19 May 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSusana Frazão Ferreira Fernandes Pinheiro (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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