As competition grows, the BPO - Business Process Outsourcing plays an ever more crucial role in organizations. The increase in productivity as well as the quality of performance and services are vital factors in determining the success of organizations. During the most recents, years the BPO - Business Process Outsourcing has made a notorious developmental evolution, playing a crucial and fundamental role in organizations. Presently the organizations are faced with an enormous number of challenges on a daily basis, forcing them to make choices in order to overcome those challenges with the intent of obtaining the expected outcomes. In this context, the BPO - Business Process Outsourcing emerges, presenting itself as a component in strategic decision making and as a very important alternative to increasing the quality and efficiency of the various activities of the organizations. We can easily conclude that the outsourcing is virtuality inevitable. It will always be a management resource that will allow the executives of those organizations to determine the benefits of its inclusion. The BPO – Business Process Outsourcing may pose risks to the organizations but we must be realistic and objective- all measures of great potential carry risks. There is no evidence that those risks will cause any decreasing interest in outsourcing. In light of this, it is noted that the use of this business strategy is increasing, opening a number of doors to the revolution of Business Outsourcing. The “state of the art” research that took place in the elaboration of this dissertation was preceded by the analysis of the revised literature that was available on Business Process Outsourcing. This research was based on the analysis of the article ““Business Process Outsourcing Studies: a Critical Review and Research Directions”, Lacity et al (2011). Organizations are increasing their external recruiting pools of management processes also known as Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Current business is up to 279 billion dollars with an expected 25% annual increase. One can conclude that the BPO- Business Process Outsourcing is a competitive advantage in the modern business management model through which it is possible to obtain a reduction in fixed costs, lower the amount of time spent on giving feedback to the clients and engage in economic scaling. In addition, it creates the possibility of subcontracting specialized suppliers for those processes which are not crucial to the organization. In terms of the BPO decisions, the evidence gathered was clear and consistent. The goal of the organizations is to reduce costs in order to be able to focus on essential capabilities or critical processes. The intention is to obtain from the suppliers/providers of services expertise and knowledge to enhance their business activities along with a reduction of the delivery dates. Most importantly, however is the ability to obtain economic scaling with the objective of maximizing profit. The data gathered showed clear evidence that organizations are less likely to deal with highly complex business processes that involve critical business processes. In order to execute this report, I presented a relevant professional case related to my professional experience and to the theme chosen: BPO-Business Process Outsourcing. This chapter includes a historical overview as well as a description of activities and area of business. An overview of the organization of Banco Carregosa (Carregosa Bank) will be presented while analyzing its future as an organization. A description of the characteristics of the system of warranties that the Banco Carregosa uses to manage the risks applied to the option deals on the international futures is provided. Simulations of potential business situations where legal action was applied is presented in order to calculate the maximum potential losses. Informational Technology was used in the completion of this report in order to research information in various data bases. The following keywords were used as search terms: business process outsourcing, risks and benefits of business process outsourcing, perceived benefits of business process outsourcing, outsourcing, process management, risk-benefit concept e information technology outsourcing.
Date of Award | 15 May 2015 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Paulo Pereira (Supervisor) |
BPO: Business Process Outsourcing, vantagem competitiva na gestão empresarial moderna?
Naia, M. B. C. T. F. D. (Student). 15 May 2015
Student thesis: Master's Thesis