Brand sacrífice
: razões que levam ao sacrifício por uma marca e como afetam o comportamento do consumidor : o caso Nespresso

  • Maria Bispo de Albuquerque (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The sacrifice applied to brands is the object of study of this investigation. The study of this theme, little explored so far, arises even for this reason, aiming to learn more about the concept of brand sacrifice and how it can affect a brand positively or negatively. Thus, a case study is carried out on a brand that is considered relevant to study this issue, Nespresso, as it is a brand with a strong notoriety, positioned in a premium segment, and that arouses loyalty (all these factors being associated with brand love, and the sacrifice arises as a consequence of love). The initial objective is to understand if the consumers of the brand are inclined to make some kind of sacrifice in favor of Nespresso. There are several studies that demonstrate the power of feelings such as love and passion related to brands, but the relationship between these feelings and sacrifice is still to be explored, and the objective of this study is to show whether or not there is a relationship between loyalty and brand love and the propensity for sacrifice. In this sense, its intended to understand this phenomenon through a qualitative study, a unique and exploratory case study, supported by conducting a documentary analysis of the brand and subsequently by applying a questionnaire to consumers of the brand to further research. With the information obtained about the brand sacrifice by Nespresso, a second questionnaire was built, applicable to any brand, with the objective of trying to extend the contribution of this work to other industries and brands. The results obtained in both questionnaires demonstrated a relationship between consumers who have a strong connection with a brand and their propensity to make some kind of sacrifice for it. In addition, it was concluded that what people value most in a brand is the quality of the product and that this factor is decisive for them to feel love for the brand. In short, this research aims to study consumer behavior and their motivations to love and sacrifice something in favor of Nespresso, and also to demonstrate to other brands the added value of developing a strategy based on the consumer and their needs, in order to who feel love for brands, and develop a predisposition to make sacrifices for them.
Date of Award19 Apr 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPatrícia Dias (Supervisor)


  • Brand sacrifice
  • Brand love
  • Background
  • Consequential
  • Love Brands
  • Marketing
  • Nespresso
  • Coffee
  • Consumer behavior


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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