Burnout e os significados atribuídos ao trabalho em funcionários de ERPI

  • João Emanuel Fernandes Soares (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study highlights the complexity of the perceived environment in Residential Structures for the Elderly (ERPI). The investigation is based on three major concepts and how they interrelate, namely: Burnout Syndrome, the Meanings Attributed to Work, and Professional Category. As a starting point, a questionnaire was applied, consisting of sociodemographic questions, the Scale of Meanings Attributed to Work (ESAT), and the short version of the Maslach Burnout Scale. The sample included around 103 individuals from various professional categories in an ERPI in the Minho region, always ensuring participant confidentiality. Work is crucial in today’s society and can affect individuals' quality of life. The study indicates a significant correlation between the Meanings Attributed to Work and Burnout, demonstrating that among employees with more positive perceptions, emotional exhaustion decreases, and the sense of effectiveness increases. The same is not observed with Cynicism, as there is no significant relationship. In terms of gender differences, the test did not reveal higher or lower levels of Burnout between men and women. Regarding Professional Category, there is no statistically significant linear regression in Burnout levels. Social economy requires a deeper and broader vision, as performing various roles in ERPI can be physically and psychologically demanding, with few rewards for its employees. It is necessary to raise awareness of the implementation of appropriate interventions and techniques to mitigate these issues, as employees with higher levels of well-being can positively reflect on the quality of service provided to users.
Date of Award30 Jan 2025
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRicardo Peixoto (Supervisor)


  • Burnout
  • Meaning of work
  • Profession/professional category
  • Residential facilities for the elderly


  • Mestrado em Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações

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