Café Cultural
: a recuperação do "vintage" na era da contemporaneidade

  • Ana Cristina Gouveia Andrade (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Post modernity was a cultural, philosophical and sociological concept established and dating from the last quarter of the 20th century, which emerged in the so-called postindustrial society. It was a way of being and be that created new social and cultural intermediaries, from which emerged a consumer-centric society. Contemporaneity, also referred to as post-post-modernity, Millennium generation or era of technology arose at the turn of the Millennium, and corresponds to the present generation focused on the benefits of technology, more and more individualistic and with models of sociability changed compared to previous generations. The goal of this project is to bring the essence of cultural cafes, so as to approach the society to the cultural activities, technological society, in which becomes important to create cultural habits that cause also a technological detachment, though not total, because technology and interculturality can be a feasible and compatible combination. In this sense, the object of study is the creation of a cultural café, where through the combination of technology, culture and sociability in contemporary times, you can recover the lost sociability by technology and take advantage of the effective connection that we can take from combination of the concepts art and technology, creative and cultural industries.
Date of Award2 Feb 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Isabel Roque (Supervisor)


  • Cafes
  • Communication
  • Contemporaneity
  • Culture
  • Cultural industries
  • Postmodernity


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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