This work aims to explore if the use of AWG technology, an environmental technology, can bestrategic or not to companies based on the Natural Resource Based View of the Firm theory(Hart, 1995). The work develops a theoretical analysis complemented with two examples thatillustrate the theoretical conclusions. The analysis is performed through theoreticaldemonstrations based on a set of strategic frameworks, theories and concepts: the NaturalResource Based View (Hart, 1995) due to its relation with the natural environment; ContingentResource Based View of the natural environment (Aragón Correa & Sharma, 2003) as it isrelated with the previous theory also providing important conclusions about dynamiccapabilities (Teece et al., 1997); and dynamic capabilities (Teece et al., 1997) themselves, dueto their strategic relevance in a changing environment – an assumption of the present work. Thetheoretical analysis concludes that the use of this environmental technology can providecompanies with sustainable competitive advantages (lower costs, competitor’s preemption andfuture position in developing markets) and can also work as a dynamic capability (Teece et al.,1997). To demonstrate how the use of AWG technology can be a dynamic capability tocompanies, the two illustrative examples are developed, regarding a Brewery and aPharmaceutical Company; with these examples it is possible to illustrate the theoreticalconclusions, demonstrating how the use of AWG technology can be strategic to both companies(as a factor of adaptation) and under which conditions and assumptions is that possible. Thework ends up concluding that the use of AWG technology can in fact be strategic to companies,based on the Natural Resource Based View, under a set of assumptions and establishedconditions: the environment should be tacit and changing (characterized by changes inenvironmental regulations, growing “green” markets, increasing fresh water scarcity scenarios,unsustainable economic activity growth and by the increasing growth of developing markets,“markets of the future”) and companies should be water intensive and should envision to enterand invest in developing countries.
Date of Award | 2011 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Paulo Amaral (Supervisor) |
Can atmospheric water generation be strategic to companies according to the natural resource based view approach
Plácido, J. V. D. S. (Student). 2011
Student thesis: Master's Thesis