Can we feel prettier?
: makeup usage among portuguese women and Its potential extracted benefits : self-esteem, physical attractiveness, social confidence, social interactions, and satisfaction with life

  • Ana Luís Conduto de Castro Guimarães (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


To the best of our knowledge, the existent studies in Portugal about makeup never focused on the benefits that women can extract from its usage. Moreover, the penetration of this category is much lower than the European average and has then room for growth. Therefore, the aim of the present thesis is to characterize the usage of makeup among Portuguese women, as well as to explore what are the relationship between the usage of makeup and different possible psychosocial benefits. To investigate this topic, first a literature review was done in order to understand what were the benefits that one could have from using makeup. The result was a set of five benefits: selfesteem, self-perceived attractiveness, social confidence, social interactions, and satisfaction with life. Based on the frequency of use and quantity of use, three segments of makeup users were created and the statistical analyses were performed. Makeup usage was found to positively impact four out of the five psychological dimensions. The higher the usage, in terms of quantity and frequency, the higher the levels of one’s self-esteem, self-perceived physical attractiveness, social confidence as well as social interactions. Regardless of the limitations and necessary future researches, the present thesis gives a primary contribution with regard the benefits that the usage of makeup can have on women’s lives. These insights enable beauty brands to better understand their consumers and the differences in usage among different segments, as well as the benefits that each one can extract.
Date of Award18 Oct 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRita Coelho do Vale (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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