Carnaval de Torres Vedras
: uma questão de marca

  • Beatriz Estêvão Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Brands and events are present in society, in a very evident way. There is a merger between the two, brands that create events, events that associate with brands, but are there cultural events that can become brands? This dissertation intends to study the development of a cultural event, its organization and its evolution into a possible brand event, having as a case study the Carnaval de Torres Vedras. In this sense, this dissertation focuses on the study of the evolution of cultural events and its management as a brand. The methodologies used to obtain the validation of the hypotheses under study will be the case study methodology, using mostly qualitative methods, but also quantitative methods, for data collection. This investigation allowed us to validate the hypotheses provided: Carnaval de Torres Vedras is a brand, a cultural event can be managed and become a cultural event brand, and yet, a cultural event brand can be the engine for a destination brand.
Date of Award26 Feb 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Manuel Seruya (Supervisor)


  • Brand
  • Brand management
  • Event
  • Cultural event
  • Brand cultural event
  • Brand destination


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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