Catequese e liturgia no De Sacramentis e no De Mysteriis de Santo Ambrósio de Milão

  • Ángel David Azcurra Rodríguez (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The process of Christian initiation appears, especially in the fourth century, as a fundamental instance for the formation and transformation of aspirants to baptism. St. Ambrose of Milan was aware of this, who, in his pastoral concern, devoted himself to the formation of catechumens who were about to receive the sacraments of Christian initiation. In this way, his mystagogical catechesis – De Sacramentis and De Mysteriis – make known not only the contents and meaning of the baptismal liturgy in the explanation of the rites and sacraments received, but, above all, the methodology used by our author to transmit all the catechetical-liturgical richness of the Church’s Tradition. Thus, these works appear as the culmination of the entire process of Christian initiation, presenting a great catechetical, liturgical, theological, moral, exegetical and spiritual richness, very enlightening and valid for our days. It is in this perspective that we will study the aforementioned works, observing their various elements, within the catechumenal context, defining this context and its characteristics, always from a liturgical-catechetical perspective.
Date of Award4 Mar 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorIsidro Lamelas (Supervisor)


  • Ambrose of Milan
  • Catequesis
  • Liturgy
  • Mystagogy
  • Sacraments
  • Christian initiation


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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