Caves São Domingos
: pouring the espumante’s fizz into the younger generation’s glasses

  • Duarte Lopo Freitas Amorim (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This dissertation addresses the relation between the young adult wine consumers and Caves São Domingos, a Portuguese espumante producer. Particular attention was given to the addition of insights into the sparkling wine industry and its development. The Case Study helps to understand the young adults’ market segmentation and consumer characteristics such as product knowledge, motives, purchase decision-making, and consumption behavior. In recent years Caves São Domingos has recognized the need to bring young adults closer to the sector, in order to avoid a future without consumer preferences associated with its main product – espumante. Despite some lack of interest from the young consumer, the company will try to position the brand in a way that will the ones who will assure the future's consumption. The Case allows for the analysis of the problems of a wine producer challenge by the need to modernize its products and give young consumers a drink they would purchase in a restaurant, bar, or club. Along with the Case, this Thesis includes a Literature Review that provides insights on a national and international perspective of the industry and its trends, and a Teaching Note with the analysis of the key issues and recommendations for the company’s future.
Date of Award26 Apr 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Magalhães Guedes (Supervisor)


  • Young adults
  • Sparkling wine
  • Purchase/consumption behavior
  • Market segmentation


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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