Compreender o matrimónio e a família na comunidade Lómwe, um desafio atual e para o futuro
: um olhar moral e ético, à luz de Francisco Lerma Martinez

  • Lourenço Domingos Murabela (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The theme of this research is Marriage and the family’s understanding in the Lómwe community, the current and future challenges: a moral and ethical insight, enlightened by Francisco Lerma Martinez, in his book The Macua People and their Culture. Our main goal is to show that the problems of marriage and the family are actually very important within the Church, but also in the society in general. We have organized this investigation in three chapters. In the first chapter, we establish the general context of the Lómwe people: following its geographica, economic, political and religious dimensions. in the second chapter, we lay the foundations of the Christian understanding of the family in the light of Sacred Scripture, the Magisterium of the Church, and theological reflection. In the third chapter, which is the heart of this work, we establish a fruitful dialogue between Christian theology and the specificity of the Lómwe culture, the fruit of which is the conception of marriage as a mission in the family.
Date of Award28 Nov 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorGonçalo Martim Vieira Pereira Diniz (Supervisor)


  • Martinez
  • Marriage
  • Family
  • Africam morality
  • Culture
  • Lómwe
  • Celibacy


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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