Comunicação e marketing em saúde
: o caso Giga

  • Carolina Maria Netto de Almeida Alves Pereira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Communication and marketing strategies have been gaining a major importance in small, medium and large companies, regardless their core business, and health services are no exception. Deriving from all transformation processes in health world, not only the internal public from the hospitals, clinics and health care centres have adapt to the present changes, but also the patients have new needs towards health professionals and physical conditions available at the health institutions. Actually, it is important to emphasize crucial factors on health segment strongly connected to satisfaction and perceived quality for the patient, as proved the importance of an effective and efficient communication, covering all the public; the quality of the reception staff and involved entities; the detail of the relation physician-patient; the treatment process and the perception of medical terms related to the pathologies, and finally, a careful monitoring of the clinic case history. Undoubtedly, all these issues lead us to the “humanization” in health units and its increasing importance each time stronger, in what concerns the patient versus health care. Lately, the consumer is recognized by companies as a person and a human being with feelings, instead of a massive buyer in society. Hence, marketing strategies walks on a more focused direction to the consumer as a human being with mind, heart and spirit. As a consequence, the values that move the new marketing 3.0 meet certain points in health care services – which may benefit the new and growing Age of marketing and communication of the XXI century.
Date of Award24 Feb 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFernando Ilharco (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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